
Google Calendar Manager

So first we need to activate the Google Calendar API in a google cloud project:

⇒ I'm currently using the project HomeCtrl, but no real idea if that one is already enabled

It seems the correct project is rather NervGoogleCtrlv2. So activating the calendar API in this one.

I need to remember where I was already using the Google API to setup actions on the google home.

Found it in NervHome/nvh/app/google_smart_home_test/, but this is a terrible mess. Maybe I should just create new credentials instead.

Will be really tricky the day I need to get back to that smarthome project…

For now creating a new Client OAuth called CalManager

Saving the credentials as Security/

Preparing the script and environment for the cal command:

    inherit: default_env
      - google-api-python-client
      - google-auth-httplib2
      - google-auth-oauthlib

    notify: false
    custom_python_env: cal_env
    cwd: ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}
    cmd: ${PYTHON} ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/nvh/admin/
    python_path: ["${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}", "${NVP_ROOT_DIR}"]

To select the appropriate scope to use:

Informations sur l'API Calendar:

⇒ Crap! I was planning to retrieve the public holidays directly from google calendar: Arrff, that's because we can display additional type of days on that calendar. See this page:

OK! Project completed for now. But eventually I will need to consider support for work package specification in events

  • public/projects/nervhome/notes/0002_issue004_calendar_manager.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/04/07 14:45
  • by