
  • General way to read content with cat:
    cat file1 file2 file3 ...
  • Combine stdin with a file:
    echo 'Text through stdin' | cat - file.txt
  • Removing extra (more than 2 consecutive) blank lines:
    cat -s file
  • Other cat flags:
    # Display tabs as ^I:
    cat -T
    # Display line numbers:
    cat -n file.txt
  • We can start recording a session with:
    script -t 2> timing.log -a output.session
    # type commands here
  • Replay the commands with:
    scriptreplay timing.log output.session
  • Find all the files in current directory:
    find base_path
    # For instance:
    find . -print
    # We can use -print0 to use '\0' as delimiting character.
    # This is usefull when flename contains spaces
  • Search base on filename or regular expression:
    find /home/slynux -name "*.txt" -print
    # Using the option iname to ignore case:
    find . -iname "example*" -print
    # or condition for multiple criteria:
    find . \( -name "*.txt" -o -name "*.pdf" \) -print
    # Using path argument:
    find /home/users -path "*/slynux/*" -print
    # Using regex argumen to match paths based on regular expressions:
    find . -regex ".*\(\.py\|\.sh\)$"
    # or iregex to ignore case:
    find . -iregex ".*\(\.py\|\.sh\)$"
  • Negating arguments:
    # Exclude things that match a pattern:
    find . ! -name "*.txt" -print
  • Search based on directory depth:
    # Only printing files in the current directory:
    find . -maxdepth 1 -name "f*" -print
    # Or using mindepth:
    find . -mindepth 2 -name "f*" -print
    # note that these flags should be specified as third argument for find to improve efficiency.
  • Search based on file type:
    find . -type d -print  # find directories
    find . -type f -print # find regular files
    find . -type l -print # find symlinks
  • Search on file times:
     # we can use the flags:
    -atime : access time
    -mtime : modification time
    -ctime : change time
    # The provided inter value is the number of days:
    find . -type f -atime -7 -print # all files accessed within the last 7 days
    find . -type f -atime 7 -print # all files accessed exactly 7 days ago.
    find . -type f -atime +7 -print # all files that were accessed more that 7 days ago.
    # we can also used minutes based flags:
    # We can also find files newer that a given file:
    find . -type f -newer file.txt -print
  • Search based on file size:
    find . -type f -size +2k # files bigger than 2KB
    find . -type f -size -2k # smaller than 2kB
    # instead of 'k', we can use 'M', 'G'
  • Deleting file matches:
    find . -type f -name "*.swp" -delete
  • Match based on file permissions:
    find . -type f -perm 644 -print
    # For instance:
    find . -type f -name "*.php" ! -perm 644 -print
    # Or search based on user:
    find . -type f -user slynux -print
  • Executing commands with find:
    find . -type f -user root -exec chown slynux {} \;
    # In the previous command:
    # '{}' will be replaced by each filename.
    # if we want to run a command with a list of files as parameters then
    # we just replace ';' with '+'
  • To concatenate multiple files for instance:
    find . -type f -name "*.c" -exec cat {} \;>all_c_files.txt
  • To copy all the .txt files that are older than 10 days to a directory OLD:
     find . -type f -mtime +10 -name "*.txt" -exec cp {} OLD  \;
  • If we need multiple commands with exec then we have to write a script file.
  • Combine exec with printf:
    find . -type f -name "*.txt" -exec printf "Text file: %s\n" {} \;
  • Skipping specified directories in find:
    find devel/source_path  \( -name ".git" -prune \) -o \( -type f -print \)
  • Converting multiple lines to a single line output:
    cat example.txt | xargs
  • Converting single-line into multiple-line output:
    cat example.txt | xargs -n 3
  • Specify delimiter:
    echo "splitXsplitXsplitXsplit" | xargs -d X
  • Provide one/more arguments from a file listing to a command:
    cat args.txt | xargs -n 1 ./
    # To provide n arguments we use the prototype:
    INPUT | xargs -n X
    # to provide all the arguments at once:
    cat args.txt | xargs ./
  • We can specify the -I flag to provide a replacement string (only with one argument per command execution):
    cat args.txt | xargs -I {} ./ -p {} -l
  • Using xargs with find:
    find . -type f -name "*.txt"  -print | xargs rm -f
    # Safer implementation is:
    find . -type f -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
  • Count number of lines of C code:
    find source_code_dir_path -type f -name "*.c" -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l
    # One could also consider using the SLOCCount utility
  • Using a subshell script instead of xargs:
     cat files.txt | xargs -I {} cat {}
    # is equivalent to:
    cat files.txt  | ( while read arg; do cat $arg; done )
  • Simple translation:
    echo "HELLO WHO IS THIS" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
  • Other encryptions:
    echo 12345 | tr '0-9' '9876543210' # encrypt
    echo 87654 | tr '9876543210' '0-9' # decrypt
    # ROT13 encryption:
    echo "tr came, tr saw, tr conquered." | tr 'a-zA-Z' 'n-za-mN-ZA-M'
    # decryption:
    echo ge pnzr, ge fnj, ge pbadhrerq. | tr 'a-zA-Z' 'n-za-mN-ZA-M'
  • Converting tab to space:
    tr '\t' ' ' < file.txt
  • Deleting characters:
    echo "Hello 123 world 456" | tr -d '0-9'
  • Complementing character set:
    echo hello 1 char 2 next 4 | tr -d -c '0-9 \n'
  • Squeezing characters with tr:
    echo "GNU is       not     UNIX. Recursive   right ?" | tr -s ' '
  • Compute a sum from a file:
    # Assuming sum.txt contains one number per line:
    cat sum.txt | echo $[ $(tr '\n' '+' ) 0 ]
  • Can be used with character sets like: alnum, alpha, cntrl, digit, graph, lower, print, punct, space, upper, xdigit:
    tr [:class:] [:class:]
  • To compute the checksum we can use:
    $ md5sum filename
    68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940 filename
    # We can redirect the output to file:
    $ md5sum filename > file_sum.md5
    # Prototype is:
    $ md5sum file1 file2 file3 ...
    # This will output one line per file.
  • To verify the integrity of a file:
    $ md5sum -c file_sum.md5
    # This will output a message whether checksum matches or not.
    # Alternatively:
    $ md5sum -c *.md5
  • Usage of SHA-1 is similar: replace md5sum with sha1sum.
  • We can compute checksum for directory with md5deep and sha2deep:
    $ md5deep -rl directory_path > directory.md5
    # -r to enable recursive traversal
    # -l for using relative path. By default it writes absolute file path in 
    # Alternatively we can use find:
    $ find directory_path -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum >> directory.md5
  • Encryption with crypt:
    $ crypt <input_file >output_file
    Enter passphrase:
    # alternatively, we can provide the passphrase on the command line:
    $ crypt PASSPHRASE <input_file >encrypted_file
    # to decrypt:
    $ crypt PASSPHRASE -d <encrypted_file >output_file
  • Encryption with gpg:
    $ gpg -c filename
    # to decrypt:
    $ gpg filename.gpg
  • Encryption with base64:
    $ base64 filename > outputfile
    # or:
    $ cat file | base64 > outputfile
    # To decode:
    $ base64 -d file > outputfile
    # or:
    $ cat base64_file | base64 -d > outputfile
  • md5sum and sha1sum can also be used to store passwords for instance (but bcrypt and sha512sum are recommended instead)
  • Generate shadow password with openssl:
    $ opensslpasswd -1 -salt SALT_STRING PASSWORD
  • Sort a given set of files:
    $ sort file1.txt file2.txt > sorted.txt
    # or:
    $ sort file1.txt file2.txt -o sorted.txt
    # For numerical sorting:
    $ sort -n file.txt
    # To sort in reverse order:
    $ sort -r file.txt
    # To sort by month:
    $ sort -M months.txt
    # To merge 2 sorted files:
    $ sort -m sorted1 sorted2
    # To find unique lines in sorted file:
    $ sort file1.txt file2.txt | uniq
  • To check if a file is already sorted we check the result of sort:
    #Desc: Sort
    sort -C filename ;
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
       echo Sorted;
       echo Unsorted;
  • Sort by a column in text file:
    $ cat data.txt
    1  mac    2000
    2  winxp    4000
    3  bsd    1000
    4  linux    1000
    # we use the -k flag to specify the column to use:
    # Sort reverse by column1
    $ sort -nrk 1  data.txt
    4  linux    1000 
    3  bsd    1000 
    2  winxp    4000 
    1  mac    2000 
    # -nr means numeric and reverse
    # Sort by column 2
    $ sort -k 2  data.txt
    3  bsd    1000 
    4  linux    1000 
    1  mac    2000 
    2  winxp    4000
  • Specify a range for the key:
    $ cat data.txt
    $ sort -nk 2,3 data.txt
    # To use first character as key:
    $ sort -nk 1,1 data.txt
    # To use a \0 separator:
    $ sort -z data.txt | xargs -0
    #Zero terminator is used to make safe use with xargs
    # To ignore leading blank and use dictionnary order:
    $ sort -bd unsorted.txt
  • Usage of uniq:
    $ sort unsorted.txt | uniq
  • Display only the unique lines:
    $ uniq -u sorted.txt
  • Count how many times each line appears:
    $ sort unsorted.txt | uniq -c
          1 bash
          1 foss
          2 hack
  • Find the duplicate lines:
    $ sort unsorted.txt  | uniq -d
  • Specify start and width for uniqueness computation:
    $ cat data.txt
    $ sort data.txt | uniq -s 2 -w 2
  • Terminate lines with \0 separator:
    $ uniq -z file.txt
  • Create a temporary file:
    $ filename=`mktemp`
    $ echo $filename
  • Create temporary directory:
    $ dirname=`mktemp -d`
    $ echo $dirname
  • To just generate a filename without actually creating it:
    $ tmpfile=`mktemp -u`
    $ echo $tmpfile
  • Create temp file according to template:
    $mktemp test.XXX
  • Splitting a file:
    $ split -b 10k data.file
    $ ls
    data.file  xaa  xab  xac  xad  xae  xaf  xag  xah  xai  xaj
  • To use numeric suffixes:
    $ split -b 10k data.file -d -a 4
  • Specify a filename prefix:
    $ split -b 10k data.file -d -a 4 split_file
  • To split based on number of lines:
    $ split -l 10 data.file
  • csplit can be used to split based on file content:
    csplit server.log /SERVER/ -n 2 -s {*}  -f server -b "%02d.log"  ; rm server00.log 
  • Extracting the name from name.extension:
    echo File name is: $name
  • Extracting the extension from name.extension:
  • Note the the oerator % is non-greedy (eg. finds the minimal match). Instead operator % % is greedy:
    $ echo ${VAR%.*}
    $ echo ${VAR%%.*}
  • We also have operator ## similar to # but greedy:
    $ echo ${VAR#*.}
    $ echo ${VAR##*.}
  • Rename all image files in the current directory:
    #Desc: Rename jpg and png files
    for img in `find . -iname '*.png' -o -iname '*.jpg' -type f -maxdepth 
      echo "Renaming $img to $new"
      mv "$img" "$new"
      let count++
  • Renaming *.JPG to *.jpg:
    $ rename *.JPG *.jpg
  • Replace spaces with underscore:
    $ rename 's/ /_/g' *
  • Convert from uppr to lower or opposite:
    $ rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
    $ rename 'y/a-z/A-Z/' *
  • Move all mp3 in a folder:
    $ find path -type f -name "*.mp3" -exec mv {} target_dir \;
  • Recursive rename:
    $ find path -type f -exec rename 's/ /_/g' {} \;
  • Dictionary files found in /usr/share/dict/
  • Check if word is part of dictionary:
    grep "^$1$" /usr/share/dict/british-english -q 
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      echo $word is a dictionary word;
      echo $word is not a dictionary word;
    # Usage as:
    $ ./ ful 
    ful is not a dictionary word 
    $ ./ fool 
    fool is a dictionary word
  • or we can use aspell.
  • List all words in a file starting with a given word as follows:
    $ look word filepath
    # or:
    $ grep "^word" filepath
  • Automate an input for a command with:
    $ echo -e "1\nhello\n" | ./ 
    You have entered 1, hello
    # -e flag for echo means 'interpret escape sequences'
  • The expect program can be used when the input order is not always the same.
  • Run multiple instances of scripts with for instance:
    for file in File1.iso File2.iso
      md5sum $file &
      PIDARRAY+=("$!") # $! : retrieves the PID of the last background process.
    wait ${PIDARRAY[@]}
  • public/books/linux_shell_scripting_cookbook/chapter_2.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/07/10 12:11
  • by