Crypto: Collecting tokens and pairs from DEX

So lately, I've been working on restoring more of my blockchain management system (with the ultimate goal to get back to some arbitrage experiments 😎), and right now, I have a first version of a “Binance Smart Chain” blockchain, “ERC20” compatible Token and Pair classes, and “PancakeSwap” DEX based on a unified “UniswapBase” exchange representation.

And from the PanscakeSwap DEX (ie. Decentralized exchange) object I can request to collect all the pairs available on the exchange and all the tokens used in those pairs, to store information about them in a database. It's working pretty well already, but I still have a few exceptions from time to time due to very specific errors, and I'm still in the process of collecting the pairs only for PancakeSwap (version 1 I mean 😅): there are about 133K pairs already there!

What I will do here is to provide some improvements/extensions around this concept to try to improve it further, so let's get to work!

  • Just as an example, the latest exception I got to date while collecting those pairs was due to apparently “nul” characters in the token symbols I'm retrieving from the blockchain, and then I cannot push those strings in my PostgresSQL table (will produce a ValueError), so I'm now removing any potential nul character before storing the token data:
        def token_row_from_desc(self, desc, validate_symbol=True, sym_names=None):
            """Convert a token desc dict to a token row"""
            min_slippage = desc.get('min_slippage')
            swap_fees = desc.get('swap_fees')
            minslip = int(min_slippage*1000) if min_slippage is not None else None
            sfp = int(swap_fees*1000) if swap_fees is not None else None
            cls = 0
            clval = desc.get('classification')
            if clval is not None:
                cls = int(TokenClassification[clval.upper()]) if isinstance(clval, str) else int(clval)
            sym = desc['symbol']
            name = desc['name']
            addr = desc['address']
            # Leave some room for duplicate values
            if len(sym) > 30:
                logger.warning("Detected too long token symbol: %s", sym)
                sym = sym[:30]
            # Remove the null characters in the symbols and names if any:
            if '\x00' in sym:
                sym = sym.replace('\x00', '')
                logger.warning("Removed null characters in token %s symbol %s", addr, sym)
            # Note: if the name or symbol are too long then we should cut them:
            if len(name) > 64:
                logger.warning("Detected too long token name: %s", name)
                name = name[:64]
            if '\x00' in name:
                name = name.replace('\x00', '')
                logger.warning("Removed null characters in token %s name %s", addr, name)
  • But another thing I noticed while doing this is that when I fix one of those exception, and then re-run my command to update the pairs, I don't seem to get the failing pair/token handled again, which is unexpected… 🤔 So I need to have a look at that next.
  • To figure out if a pair/token is indeed in the database I should add a command line mechanism to search for token by address/symbol 👍!
  • In this process I also created a new BlockchainManager class to unify the command line handling for BSC or ETH chains already:
    """blockchain manager class"""
    import logging
    from nvp.nvp_component import NVPComponent
    from nvp.nvp_context import NVPContext
    from nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain import EVMBlockchain
    from nvh.crypto.blockchain.uniswap_base import UniswapBase
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    class BlockchainManager(NVPComponent):
        """BlockchainManager component class"""
        def __init__(self, ctx):
            """BlockchainManager base constructor"""
            NVPComponent.__init__(self, ctx)
        def process_command(self, cmd):
            """Check if this component can process the given command"""
            if cmd == 'collect-gas-price':
                chain_name = self.get_param("chain")
                chain: EVMBlockchain = self.get_component(f"{chain_name}_chain")
                return True
            if cmd == 'update-pairs':
                # Retrieve the exchange name:
                ex_name = self.get_param("exchange")
                # Retrieve that exchange:
                dex: UniswapBase = self.get_component(ex_name)
                # Update the pairs:
                return True
            return False
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Create the context:
        context = NVPContext()
        # Add our component:
        comp = context.register_component("chain_man", BlockchainManager(context))
        context.define_subparsers("main", {
            "collect-gas-price": None,
            "update-pairs": None
        psr = context.get_parser('main.collect-gas-price')
        psr.add_argument("-c", "--chain", dest="chain", type=str, default="bsc",
                         help="Blockchain from where to collect the gas prices.")
        psr = context.get_parser('main.update-pairs')
        psr.add_argument("exchange", type=str,
                         help="exchange name where to update the pairs")
  • So now to collect the gas price I will use instead:
    $ nvp bchain collect-gas-price -c bsc
    $ nvp bchain collect-gas-price -c eth
  • And to update the pairs from one dex I will use:
    $ nvp bchain update-pairs pancakeswap
Each DEX is already aware of its parent blockchain, so we don't have to specify it on the command line above.
  • So here is a first extension to find a specific token either by address or by symbol in our database:
            if cmd == 'find-token':
                chain_name = self.get_param("chain")
                chain: EVMBlockchain = self.get_component(f"{chain_name}_chain")
                pat = self.get_param("pattern")
                # We check if we have a token for that address:
                token = chain.get_token_desc(symbol=pat)
                if token is not None:
          "Found token: %s", self.pretty_print(token))
          "Token not found.")
                return True
  • And this works as expected:
    $ nvp bchain find-token -c bsc WBNB
    2022/05/27 08:11:16 [__main__] INFO: Found token: { 'address': '0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c',
      'classification': 0,
      'decimals': 18,
      'id': 3,
      'min_slippage': None,
      'name': 'Wrapped BNB',
      'swap_fees': None,
      'symbol': 'WBNB'}
    $ nvp bchain find-token -c bsc PANDA
    2022/05/27 08:11:25 [__main__] INFO: Found token: { 'address': '0xc757025cFcC34a279BD56Ae70F00b4aA601648ed',
      'classification': 0,
      'decimals': 18,
      'id': 5781,
      'min_slippage': None,
      'name': 'PandaSwap',
      'swap_fees': None,
      'symbol': 'PANDA'}
  • Okay, now, last time the process failed we were adding a new “PANDA” token, but probably not the one above:
    2022/05/27 03:44:37 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Adding new token 0x0b2534c22bb60a51C1AB87c2266b14182e3b063E (PANDA<nul><nul<nul>)
    2022/05/27 03:45:18 [nvp.communication.email_handler] INFO: Should send the email message <p style="color: #fd0202;">**WARNING:** an exception occured in the following command:</p><p><em>['/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervProj/.pyenvs/bsc_env/bin/python3', '/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/bsc/', 'update-pairs', 'pancakeswap']</em></p><p>cwd=None</p><p >=> Check the logs for details.</p>
    2022/05/27 03:45:18 [nvp.components.runner] ERROR: Error occured in script command: ['/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervProj/.pyenvs/bsc_env/bin/python3', '/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/bsc/', 'update-pairs', 'pancakeswap'] (cwd=None)
  • So let's see if that token was added:
    $ nvp bchain find-token -c bsc 0x0b2534c22bb60a51C1AB87c2266b14182e3b063E
    2022/05/27 08:36:22 [__main__] INFO: Token not found.
  • Hmmm… if the token is not in the database, I would expect that there is no pair registered either on that token: let's add a method to search for pairs on a given token.
  • So I added this command line processing in the BlockchainManager:
            if cmd == 'search-pair':
                chain_name = self.get_param("chain")
                chain: EVMBlockchain = self.get_component(f"{chain_name}_chain")
                pat = self.get_param("pattern")
                # Search for a pair containing the given tokens:
                # Not that we may have only 1 token provided here:
                parts = pat.split("/")
                ntokens = len(parts)
                self.check(ntokens == 1 or ntokens == 2, "Invalid number of tokens in %s", pat)
                chain_db = chain.get_db()
                t0 = chain.get_token_address(parts[0])
                t1 = chain.get_token_address(parts[1]) if ntokens == 2 else None
                pairs = chain_db.find_pairs_with(token0=t0, token1=t1)
                if pairs is not None:
          "Found %d pairs: %s", len(pairs), self.pretty_print(pairs))
          "No token pair found.")
                return True
  • Then I also added the support method find_pairs_with in the ChainDB:
        def find_pairs_with(self, token0, token1=None):
            """Find the pairs with the given token0 and token1"""
            if token1 is None:
                # Single token search:
                sql = "SELECT * FROM pairs WHERE (token0=%s) OR (token1=%s)"
                cur = self.execute(sql, (token0, token0))
                sql = "SELECT * FROM pairs WHERE ((token0=%s AND token1=%s) OR (token0=%s AND token1=%s))"
                cur = self.execute(sql, (token0, token1, token1, token0))
            rows = cur.fetchall()
            return [self.pair_row_to_desc(row) for row in rows]
  • And with that we can find pairs given 1 or 2 tokens (address or unique symbol):
    $ nvp bchain search-pair -c bsc ADA/WBNB
    2022/05/27 09:09:57 [__main__] INFO: Found 1 pairs: [ { 'address': '0xBA51D1AB95756ca4eaB8737eCD450cd8F05384cF',
        'decimals': 18,
        'exchange_id': 1,
        'id': 7,
        'name': 'Pancake LPs',
        'pool_id': 6,
        'symbol': 'Cake-LP',
        'token0': '0x3EE2200Efb3400fAbB9AacF31297cBdD1d435D47',
        'token1': '0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c'}]
  • Or:
    $ nvp bchain search-pair -c bsc ADA
    2022/05/27 09:11:46 [__main__] INFO: Found 79 pairs: [ { 'address': '0xBA51D1AB95756ca4eaB8737eCD450cd8F05384cF',
        'decimals': 18,
        'exchange_id': 1,
        'id': 7,
        'name': 'Pancake LPs',
        'pool_id': 6,
        'symbol': 'Cake-LP',
        'token0': '0x3EE2200Efb3400fAbB9AacF31297cBdD1d435D47',
        'token1': '0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c'},
      { 'address': '0xF35145e28e1dd67055221739D8554E0b5C7Adcd5',
        'decimals': 18,
        'exchange_id': 1,
        'id': 162,
        'name': 'Pancake LPs',
        'pool_id': 161,
        'symbol': 'Cake-LP',
        'token0': '0x3EE2200Efb3400fAbB9AacF31297cBdD1d435D47',
        'token1': '0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56'},
      { 'address': '0x4D673a471d442fFF0dF4f9e71Dc406A75DE30Eb4',
        'decimals': 18,
        'exchange_id': 1,
        'id': 163,
        'name': 'Pancake LPs',
        'pool_id': 162,
        'symbol': 'Cake-LP',
        'token0': '0x3EE2200Efb3400fAbB9AacF31297cBdD1d435D47',
        'token1': '0x4B0F1812e5Df2A09796481Ff14017e6005508003'},
       (...more pairs here...)
  • So now let's search for pairs on our missing token:
    $ nvp bchain search-pair -c bsc 0x0b2534c22bb60a51C1AB87c2266b14182e3b063E
    2022/05/27 09:14:50 [__main__] INFO: Found 1 pairs: [ { 'address': '0x3863Dd0b3E7b1b88498007c11dcc77f5ec0e70e8',
        'decimals': 18,
        'exchange_id': 1,
        'id': 46679,
        'name': 'Pancake LPs',
        'pool_id': 46678,
        'symbol': 'Cake-LP',
        'token0': '0x0b2534c22bb60a51C1AB87c2266b14182e3b063E',
        'token1': '0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c'}]
  • Hmmm, interesting… 🤔 It seems we do have the pair added there already, even if the token itself could not be saved in the database correctly: is that legit/correct ? I don't know: I need to check the code. Ohh okay, I see now:the token themself are only registered after the pair is registered when we try to retrieve them at the end of the ERC20Pair constructor:
            # Load the tokens:
            self.t0 = self.chain.get_token(self.desc['token0'])
            self.t1 = self.chain.get_token(self.desc['token1'])
  • ⇒ So this should not be a big deal at the end: the next time we try to retrieve that pair, the token data will be registered 😉!
  • Collecting the pairs from a given DEX is… well, pretty slow unfortunately, and on some exchanges we have tons of them, so the first idea I have to try to speed this up would be to try to use multiple provider Urls when this is possible to update the pairs from 2 exchanges (or more) in parallel.
  • To classify the provider URLs I need some kind of monitoring of the speed of the requests: let's see if I can come up with soemthing on this point…
  • Okay, so I added a new table where i'm now storing infos about the duration of each RPC call I make on a given endpoint:
                                    id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
                                    timestamp float,
                                    url varchar(128),
                                    duration float,
                                    function varchar(128)
                                ); """
  • ⇒ With that I can see that I'm making a lot of calls already to register a single pair 😅 ⇒ I could eventually speed this up by implementation my own contract to retrieve the data I want all at once, but for now, that's not really a priority: let's rather focus on adding the support to specify the provider url.
  • OK, now I can specify the provider url when calling update-pairs:
            if cmd == 'update-pairs':
                purl = self.get_param("provider_url")
                chain_name = self.get_param("chain")
                if purl is not None:
          "Using provider url %s for chain %s", purl, chain_name)
                    self.config['blockchains'][chain_name]['provider_url'] = purl
                # Retrieve the exchange name:
                ex_name = self.get_param("exchange")
                # Retrieve that exchange:
                dex: UniswapBase = self.get_component(ex_name)
                # Update the pairs:
                return True

  • Let's test with and BakerySwap now:
    $ nvp bchain update-pairs bakeryswap -c bsc -p ""
  • And for that one the mean duration is 0.29 secs so still not so good…
  • Now trying with ApeSwap:
    $ nvp bchain update-pairs apeswap -c bsc -p ""
    • ⇒ mean call duration for that one: 0.133 secs
  • Now trying with Mdex:
    $ nvp bchain update-pairs mdexswap -c bsc -p ""
    • ⇒ mean call duration for that one: 0.243 secs
  • Eventually on pancakeswap I started to get errors like the following:
    2022/05/28 08:37:48 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] ERROR: Exception occured while calling name: Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced?
    2022/05/28 08:37:50 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] ERROR: Exception occured while calling name: Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced?
    2022/05/28 08:37:52 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] ERROR: Exception occured while calling name: Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced?
    2022/05/28 08:37:54 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] ERROR: Exception occured while calling name: Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced?
  • ⇒ So, to me it seems that the “name” function is not available on those tokens ? Let's try to clarify that further.
  • Now reporting the contract address to in this error message I get for instance:
    2022/05/28 08:49:32 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_smart_contract] ERROR: Exception occured while calling 'name' (on 0xecC736C39b6f8ccAEE79a3EdaA31A41fE1f8b914): Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced?
  • So let's check that contract… and it cannot be found on bscscan 😳 (giving me an error…) How could that be ? let's check what pair this is…
    • (Update: The contract is found now (was a temporary error) but it is self-destructed)
  • ⇒ Added more outputs to get the pair:
    2022/05/28 09:04:15 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.erc20_pair] INFO: Registering pair at 0x83Bf4ccdD9B61B9e4373bfc90739bac035A43d4a
    2022/05/28 09:04:16 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_smart_contract] ERROR: Exception occured while calling 'name' (on 0x441388fFC0235944C9Ad3aa5d834C0037EcB684C): Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced?
    2022/05/28 09:04:19 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_smart_contract] ERROR: Exception occured while calling 'name' (on 0x441388fFC0235944C9Ad3aa5d834C0037EcB684C): Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced?
    2022/05/28 09:04:21 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_smart_contract] ERROR: Exception occured while calling 'name' (on 0x441388fFC0235944C9Ad3aa5d834C0037EcB684C): Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced?
  • ⇒ It seems the contract 0x441388fFC0235944C9Ad3aa5d834C0037EcB684C gets self-destructed at that point!
When we call the same function with a valid contract we get a lot of bytes in the HexBytes() of course.
  • So I added the has_code() method in the evm_blockchain class:
        def has_code(self, addr):
            """Check if there is some code for a given address (ie. a smart contract)
            If there is no code, then we can consider the contract was self-destructed
            if this was supposed to be a valid contract somehow."""
            return self.web3.eth.getCode(addr).hex() != '0x'
  • And then using that method to check for destruction when creating new token objects:
            if desc is None:
                # We should register this new token:
                logger.debug("Registering token at %s", address)
                # First we really need to check here if the contract was not self destructed:
                destructed = False
                if not self.chain.has_code(address):
          "Note: contract at %s was self-destructed.", address)
                    destructed = True
                sct = self.contract
                    desc = {
                        'address': address,
                        'name': '<destructed-token>' if destructed else sct.call_function("name"),
                        'symbol': '<destructed>' if destructed else sct.call_function("symbol"),
                        'decimals': 0 if destructed else sct.call_function("decimals"),
                except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                    logger.error("Exception occured while trying to initiate token at %s: %s", address, err)
                    desc = {
                        'address': address,
                        'name': "???",
                        'symbol': "???",
                        'decimals': 0
                desc = self.chain.add_token_desc(desc)
  • OK! And now I could finally get all the current pairs from PancakeSwap collected properly 👍!
  • Yet, with all the problems/exceptions that occured above, I'm not quite sure anymore my database tables are really in a fully consistent state:
    • It might be that some tokens for some pairs are not registered
    • It might be that some pool indices were not registered properly
  • ⇒ So I should now implement a function to check the database consistency, and fill any missing element in the process.
  • Added a new command check-db that I will use to check the database consistency:
    $ nvp bchain check-db -c bsc
    2022/05/29 07:05:21 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Collected 147585 pairs and 135759 tokens
  • And here is the function I implemented to check the pairs/tokens in the database:
        def check_db_consistency(self):
            """Check that the tokens/pairs tables are consistents"""
            # get all pairs:
            allpairs = self.get_db().get_all_pairs()
            npairs = len(allpairs)
            alltokens = self.get_db().get_all_tokens()
            ntokens = len(alltokens)
  "Collected %d pairs and %d tokens", npairs, ntokens)
            # We should iterate on each pair and collect its pool index:
            # each pair row contains:
            # id,address,token0,token1,name,symbol,decimals,pool_id,exchange_id
            # each token row conotains:
            # id,address,name,symbol,decimals,min_slippage,swap_fees,classification
            # Create a dict of all token addresses:
            taddrs = {}
            for token in alltokens:
                taddr = token[1]
                taddrs[taddr] = True
            pool_ids = {}
            for idx, pair in enumerate(allpairs):
                # pool_id:
                pidx = pair[7]
                # ex_id:
                ex_id = pair[8]
                if not ex_id in pool_ids:
                    pool_ids[ex_id] = []
                # add the pool id to the list:
                t0addr = pair[2]
                t1addr = pair[3]
                if t0addr not in taddrs:
          "Token at %s is not registered.", t0addr)
                    # we register that token now:
                    # And then add the address to the list:
                    taddrs[t0addr] = True
                if t1addr not in taddrs:
          "Token at %s is not registered.", t1addr)
                    # we register that token now:
                    # And then add the address to the list:
                    taddrs[t1addr] = True
            # check that all the pool ids are registered for each
            # available exchange:
            for ex_id, pids in pool_ids.items():
                idx = 0
                tgt = 0
                npids = len(pids)
                while idx < npids:
                    if pids[idx] == tgt:
                        # increment the target:
                        tgt += 1
                        idx += 1
                        logger.warning("Missing pool id %d in exchange %d", tgt, ex_id)
                        # we just increment the target pool id in this case:
                        tgt += 1
  "Done checking pairs/tokens db consistency on %s", self.short_name)
  • Running that code above, we can find some missing tokens in the database, and register them directly:
    $ nvp bchain check-db -c bsc
    2022/05/29 07:25:51 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Collected 147585 pairs and 135759 tokens
    2022/05/29 07:25:51 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Token at 0x0b2534c22bb60a51C1AB87c2266b14182e3b063E is not registered.
    2022/05/29 07:25:52 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Adding new token 0x0b2534c22bb60a51C1AB87c2266b14182e3b063E (PANDA  )
    2022/05/29 07:25:52 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] WARNING: Removed null characters in token 0x0b2534c22bb60a51C1AB87c2266b14182e3b063E symbol PANDA
    2022/05/29 07:25:52 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] WARNING: Removed null characters in token 0x0b2534c22bb60a51C1AB87c2266b14182e3b063E name Panda
    2022/05/29 07:25:52 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] INFO: Replacing symbol PANDA with PANDA#40
    2022/05/29 07:25:52 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Token at 0x9a2129134944117e2C16514311E5AF94Ddaa3E05 is not registered.
    2022/05/29 07:25:53 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Adding new token 0x9a2129134944117e2C16514311E5AF94Ddaa3E05 (COMCOIN)
    2022/05/29 07:25:53 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] INFO: Replacing symbol COMCOIN with COMCOIN#2
    2022/05/29 07:25:53 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Token at 0xD4031a4964d7f7c8587cBda36Dcd7DB3E6B29f4C is not registered.
    2022/05/29 07:25:53 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.erc20_token] INFO: Note: contract at 0xD4031a4964d7f7c8587cBda36Dcd7DB3E6B29f4C was self-destructed.
    2022/05/29 07:25:53 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Adding new token 0xD4031a4964d7f7c8587cBda36Dcd7DB3E6B29f4C (<destructed>)
    2022/05/29 07:25:55 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] INFO: Replacing symbol <destructed> with <destructed>#2302
    2022/05/29 07:25:55 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Token at 0x7eb2E0F97cbEb98cc3F5787bcAE7CF3898E8209A is not registered.
    2022/05/29 07:25:55 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.erc20_token] INFO: Note: contract at 0x7eb2E0F97cbEb98cc3F5787bcAE7CF3898E8209A was self-destructed.
    2022/05/29 07:25:55 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Adding new token 0x7eb2E0F97cbEb98cc3F5787bcAE7CF3898E8209A (<destructed>)
    2022/05/29 07:25:57 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] INFO: Replacing symbol <destructed> with <destructed>#2303
    2022/05/29 07:25:57 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Token at 0x7dD2290E434699aCf9f54bDA414D8f136f5eA121 is not registered.
    2022/05/29 07:25:57 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.erc20_token] INFO: Note: contract at 0x7dD2290E434699aCf9f54bDA414D8f136f5eA121 was self-destructed.
    2022/05/29 07:25:57 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Adding new token 0x7dD2290E434699aCf9f54bDA414D8f136f5eA121 (<destructed>)
    2022/05/29 07:25:59 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] INFO: Replacing symbol <destructed> with <destructed>#2304
    2022/05/29 07:25:59 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Token at 0xecC736C39b6f8ccAEE79a3EdaA31A41fE1f8b914 is not registered.
    2022/05/29 07:25:59 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.erc20_token] INFO: Note: contract at 0xecC736C39b6f8ccAEE79a3EdaA31A41fE1f8b914 was self-destructed.
    2022/05/29 07:25:59 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Adding new token 0xecC736C39b6f8ccAEE79a3EdaA31A41fE1f8b914 (<destructed>)
    2022/05/29 07:26:01 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] INFO: Replacing symbol <destructed> with <destructed>#2305
    2022/05/29 07:26:01 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Done checking pairs/tokens db consistency on bsc
  • And naturally on the next run, ther are no more issues:
    $ nvp bchain check-db -c bsc
    2022/05/29 07:29:11 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Collected 147585 pairs and 135765 tokens
    2022/05/29 07:29:11 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Done checking pairs/tokens db consistency on bsc
  • So I guess I should stop it here for this time: this is already a way too long article 😂 But I'm really happy I'm getting back to a working system to manage all those pairs/tokens! I'm one step closer to my arbitrage system/experiments now 👍!
  • blog/2022/0529_crypto_collecting_tokens_pairs.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/05/29 06:43
  • by