Crypto: Computing EVM blockchain gas price statistics

Continuing from my prevvous article on the Linear Finance reward claims, I think I need to push it a bit further on the gas price I use for my transactions: using an hardcoded value of 7Gwei is certainly not ideal, instead I should build a dedicated system to continuously update the statistics on the gas price, so let's implement that system here.

  • Actually I already have the required function to compute the gas price from statistics. But I feel I should also prepare a jupyter env to be able to test those jsonrpc functions manually, so I'm setting this up first:
        "bscjup": {
          "custom_python_env": "bsc_env",
          "cmd": "${PYTHON} -m jupyter lab",
          "cwd": "${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}",
          "python_path": ["${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}", "${NVP_ROOT_DIR}"]
  • I then tested a minimal script in jupyter:
    from nvp.nvp_context import NVPContext
    if NVPContext.instance is None:
    ctx = NVPContext.get()
    chain = ctx.get_component('bsc_chain')
    bck = chain.get_block(full_tx=True)
  • And indeed, in the resulting block above ('bck') we can retrieve the list of transactions from bck['transactions'], and in the the gas price specified for that transaction
  • So I just added the following methods in the EVMBlockchain class:
        def get_gas_prices(self, bnum=None):
            """Collect the gas prices in a given block"""
            # Retrieve the block details with all the transactions:
            bck = self.get_block(block_num=bnum, full_tx=True)
            #"block content: %s", self.pretty_print(bck))
            #"block content: %s", bck)
            # We retrieve the list of transactions from the block:
            transactions = bck['transactions']
            tnum = len(transactions)
            bnum = bck['number']
  "Block %d contains %d transactions", bnum, tnum)
            # We collect all the gas prices from the transactions:
            gprices = []
            for i in range(tnum):
                # We should convert the hex string to a number:
                txn = transactions[i]
                price = txn['gasPrice']/1e9
                if price > 0.0:
            return {
                'prices': gprices,
                'block_number': bnum,
                'timestamp': bck['timestamp']}
        # Function to collect the mode, mean, stddev statistics from a given list of gas prices
        # from a given block number. If not specified then return the last block details.
        def get_gas_price_statistics(self, bnum=None):
            """"Method used to retrieve the gas price statistics from a given block"""
            data = self.get_gas_prices(bnum)
            gprices = data['prices']
            data['num_prices'] = len(gprices)
            data['mode'] = statistics.mode(gprices)
            data['mean'] = statistics.mean(gprices)
            data['dev'] = statistics.stdev(gprices)
            return data
  • Now we have the question of the storage of that data: basically 2 options here: either in a dedicated remote SQL database or some local storage DB or file:
  • ⇒ The remote storage option is probably the best option: even if I then need some fast crypto system on an extern computer, “updating the gas price” is not something that would have to be done super quickly, and I could still update the storage mechanism at that time anyway.
  • So let's prepare a database for that:
                                    id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
                                    address char(42) UNIQUE,
                                    name varchar(64),
                                    symbol varchar(32) UNIQUE,
                                    decimals SMALLINT,
                                    min_slippage INT,
                                    swap_fees INT,
                                    classification SMALLINT
                                ); """
    SQL_INSERT_TOKEN = ''' INSERT INTO tokens(address,name,symbol,decimals,min_slippage,swap_fees,classification)
                           VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) '''
    SQL_UPDATE_TOKEN = ''' UPDATE tokens SET (name,symbol,decimals,min_slippage,swap_fees,classification)
                           = (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) WHERE address=%s; '''
                                            block_num integer PRIMARY KEY,
                                            timestamp integer,
                                            num_transactions integer,
                                            mode float,
                                            mean float,
                                            std_dev float
                                        ); """
    SQL_INSERT_GASPRICE = ''' INSERT INTO gasprice(block_num, timestamp, num_transactions, mode, mean, std_dev)
    class ChainDB(NVPObject):
        """ChainDB component class"""
        def __init__(self, db_name, user, password):
            """ChainDB constructor"""
            self.sql_db = PostgreSQLDB(db_name=db_name, user=user, password=password)
            self.sql_db.execute(SQL_CREATE_TOKENS_TABLE, commit=True)
            self.sql_db.execute(SQL_CREATE_GASPRICE_TABLE, commit=True)
        def execute(self, *args, **kaargs):
            """Forward execute code to the SQL DB"""
            return self.sql_db.execute(*args, **kaargs)
        def insert_gas_price_stats(self, data, check=True):
            """Insert a new gasprice row in the table"""
            # We should insert (block_num,mode,mean,std_dev)
  "Inserting gasprice data: %s", data)
            keys = ['block_number', 'timestamp', 'num_transactions', 'mode', 'mean', 'std_dev']
            row = [data[key] for key in keys]
            if check:
                # Check if the row already exists:
                bnum = data['block_number']
                cur = self.execute("select exists(select 1 from gasprice where block_num=%s)", (bnum,))
                if cur.fetchone()[0]:
                    logger.warning('Gas price entry already provided for block %d', bnum)
            self.execute(SQL_INSERT_GASPRICE, row, commit=True)
  • And I now have a dedicate method in the EVMBlockchain to store new rows in the gasprice table:
        def collect_gas_price_statistics(self):
            """Collect the latest gas price statistics"""
            data = self.get_gas_price_statistics()
            del data['prices']
  • Tested that in jupyter and it works as expected:
  • Command above will output:
    2022/05/23 08:27:21 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Block 18045926 contains 150 transactions
    2022/05/23 08:27:21 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] INFO: Inserting gasprice data: {'block_number': 18045926, 'timestamp': 1653290838, 'num_transactions': 149, 'mode': 5.0, 'mean': 5.84451191375839, 'std_dev': 2.419240396353444}
  • ⇒ And I can see that a new row is added to the table, all OK.
  • Now I just need to add new data every minute, so let's add a command line entry to handle that:
    class BinanceSmartChain(EVMBlockchain):
        """BinanceSmartChain component class"""
        def __init__(self, ctx):
            """blockchain constructor"""
            cfg = ctx.get_config()['blockchains']['bsc']
            EVMBlockchain.__init__(self, ctx, cfg)
        def get_contract_abi_url(self, address):
            """Retrieve the ABI URL for a given contract"""
            api_key = self.config.get("bscscan_api_key", None)
            url = f"{address}"
            if api_key is not None:
                url = f"{url}&apikey={api_key}"
            return url, 1.0/5 if api_key is not None else 5.0
        def process_command(self, cmd):
            """Check if this component can process the given command"""
            if cmd == 'collect-gas-price':
                return True
            return False
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Create the context:
        context = NVPContext()
        # Add our component:
        comp = context.register_component("bsc_chain", BinanceSmartChain(context))
        context.define_subparsers("main", {
            'collect-gas-price': None,
  • And we add the corresponding script:
        "bsc": {
          "custom_python_env": "bsc_env",
          "cmd": "${PYTHON} ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/nvh/crypto/bsc/",
          "python_path": ["${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}", "${NVP_ROOT_DIR}"]
  • And finally the entry in our file:
    nvp bsc collect-gas-price 2>&1 | tee -a $lfile
  • I then added the following function in the ChainDB class to get back the gasprice data:
        def get_gas_price_stats(self, max_num=None, min_ts=None):
            """Function returning the num_transactions, mode, mean, std_dev columns from the gas price table"""
            if max_num is not None:
                sql = f"SELECT * FROM gasprice ORDER BY block_num DESC LIMIT {max_num}"
                sql = f"SELECT * FROM ({sql}) as sub ORDER BY sub.block_num ASC;"
            elif min_ts is not None:
                if min_ts < 0:
                    # Assume relative to current timestamp and given in seconds:
                    min_ts = self.get_timestamp() + min_ts
                    #"using min_ts: %d", min_ts)
                sql = f"SELECT * FROM gasprice WHERE timestamp > {min_ts} ORDER BY timestamp ASC;"
                sql = "SELECT * FROM gasprice;"
            cur = self.execute(sql)
            results = cur.fetchall()
            # logger.debug("Retrieved %d gasprice rows", len(results))
            return np.array(results)
  • And with that I should be able to compute a more appropriate gas price before I perform a transaction:
        def get_current_gas_price_emas(self, period=10):
            """Compute the EMAs for the gas price data"""
            # Retrieve the gas price statistics with a given smoothing EMA period:
            # Note: we should retrieve at least twice as much data as the period length:
            data = self.get_db().get_gas_price_stats(min_ts=-period*2*60)
            # Now compute the ema for each col:
            # Note: we only keep the EMAs for the last 4 columns
            res = [ta.trend.EMAIndicator(pd.Series(data[:, i+2]), window=period).ema_indicator().iloc[-1] for i in range(4)]
            return dict(zip(("num_transactions", "mode", "mean", "std_dev"), res))
        def compute_gas_price_estimate(self, mode="default"):
            """Compute an advanced gas price estimate."""
            # Retrieve the weights from the selected mode:
            weights = self.config["gas_price_weights"][mode]
            # Compute an estimated gas price, using weights for the mode,mean, mean+std_dev price values:
            # the weights should also contain the estimation period:
            self.check(len(weights) == 4, "Invalid number of weights")
            emas = self.get_current_gas_price_emas(period=weights[0])
            weights = weights[1:]
            totw = sum(weights)
            self.check(totw > 0.0, "Invalid total weights.")
            price = (emas['mode'] * weights[0] + emas['mean']
                     * weights[1] + (emas['mean']+emas['std_dev']) * weights[2])/totw
            price = math.floor(price*1000)/1000
            # Clamp if bigger than max gas price:
            maxp = self.max_gas_price
            if price > maxp:
                logger.warning("Clamping estimated gas price of %f to max gas price value of %f", price, maxp)
                price = maxp
      "Computed estimated gas price of %f gwei for mode %s", price, mode)
            return price
I just discovered the ta package above: it's using pandas, but add support for many technical indicators without any fancy dependency build requirement like TA-lib so I will go with that one for now!
  • And if I call the compute_gas_price_estimate() method above in jupyter I get the following kind of result (as expected):
    2022/05/23 10:26:27 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Computed estimated gas price of 5.275000 gwei for mode default
  • One last bonus step I would like to take now would be to display the current gas price as a chart in my cryptoview app: could be interesting to have a look at that chart sometimes 😉!
  • So here is my first “BSCPanel” implementation:
    """BSCPanel widget module"""
    import logging
    from PyQt5 import QtCore
    from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
    import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qwd
    import numpy as np
    from nvp.nvp_context import NVPContext
    from nvh.gui.app_base import AppBase
    from nvh.gui.plot_canvas import PlotCanvas
    from nvh.crypto.bsc.binance_smart_chain import BinanceSmartChain
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    class BSCPanel(qwd.QWidget):
        """BSCPanel class"""
        def __init__(self):
            """Constructor of the BSCPanel class"""
            # Create a CoinGecko() instance:
            ctx = NVPContext.get()
   AppBase = ctx.get_component("app")
            self.chain: BinanceSmartChain = ctx.get_component("bsc_chain")
            # chart display offset:
            self.offset = 0.04
            setattr(self, "sizeHint", lambda: QtCore.QSize(360, 300))
            self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
        def build_panel(self):
            """Build the panel for this widget"""
            lyt = qwd.QVBoxLayout()
            lyt.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5)
            self.chart = PlotCanvas(self, width=2, height=2, dpi=100)
            self.toolbar = self.chart.create_toolbar(self)
            self.ax2 = self.chart.axes.twinx()
        def update_gas_price_chart(self):
            """Update the gas price chart"""
  "Updating gas price chart.")
            # Collect the available entries:
            # Get at max 7 days of data:
            data = self.chain.get_db().get_gas_price_stats(min_ts=-7*24*60*60)
            self.chain.check(data.shape[1] == 6, "Invalid number of gas price columns: %d", data.shape[1])
            # we got 'blcok_number', 'timestamp', 'num_txs', 'mode', 'mean', 'std_dev' values:
            now_ts = self.chain.get_timestamp()
            times = now_ts - data[:, 1]
            # convert times to hours:
            times /= 3600
            mean = data[:, 4]
            mode = data[:, 3]
            txn = data[:, 2]
            # mean_up = mean + data[:, 5]
            self.chart.set_title("BSC Gas Price")
            self.chart.axes.plot(times, mode, color='orange', linewidth=1, label="Mode")
            self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean, color='blue', linewidth=1, label="Mean")
            self.ax2.plot(times, txn, color='red', linewidth=1, label="Num. tx")
            # self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean_up, color='red', linewidth=1, label="Mean + 1sig")
            self.chart.axes.set_xlabel("Time offset (hours)")
            self.chart.axes.set_ylabel("Gas price (Gwei)")
            self.ax2.set_ylabel("Number of tx")
            # cf.
            lines_1, labels_1 = self.chart.axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
            lines_2, labels_2 = self.ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
            lines = lines_1 + lines_2
            labels = labels_1 + labels_2
            self.chart.axes.legend(lines, labels, loc=0)
            xmin = np.amin(times)
            xmax = np.amax(times)
            offset = self.offset * (xmax - xmin)
            self.chart.axes.set_xlim([xmax+offset, xmin-offset])
  • And here is the kind of display this will produce:

  • ⇒ yeah… It's a bit messy when we disply raw data directly: let's add a EMA filtering on those values instead 😉
  • So I added a utility function compute_ema() in my nvh.crypto.utils module:
    def compute_ema(arr, period):
        """Compute the EMA of a numpy array"""
        return ta.trend.EMAIndicator(pd.Series(arr), window=period).ema_indicator().values
  • And updated the gas price plot drawing to this:
        def update_gas_price_chart(self):
            """Update the gas price chart"""
  "Updating gas price chart.")
            # Collect the available entries:
            # Get at max 7 days of data:
            period = 20
            data = self.chain.get_db().get_gas_price_stats(max_num=7*24*60+period)
            self.chain.check(data.shape[1] == 6, "Invalid number of gas price columns: %d", data.shape[1])
            # we got 'blcok_number', 'timestamp', 'num_txs', 'mode', 'mean', 'std_dev' values:
            now_ts = self.chain.get_timestamp()
            times = now_ts - data[:, 1]
            # convert times to hours:
            times /= 3600
            mean = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 4], period)
            #"Mean values: %s", mean)
            mode = data[:, 3]
            # txn = data[:, 2]
            txn = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 2], period)
            # dev = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 5], period)
            # mean_up = mean + dev
            self.chart.set_title("BSC Gas Price")
            self.chart.axes.plot(times, mode, color='orange', linewidth=1, label="Mode")
            self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean, color='blue', linewidth=1, label="Mean")
            # self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean_up, linewidth=1, label="Mean + 1sig")
            self.ax2.plot(times, txn, color='red', linewidth=1, label="Num. tx")
            # self.ax2.plot(times, txn2, color='black', linewidth=1, label="Num. tx EMA")
            # self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean_up, color='red', linewidth=1, label="Mean + 1sig")
            self.chart.axes.set_xlabel("Time offset (hours)")
            self.chart.axes.set_ylabel("Gas price (Gwei)")
            self.ax2.set_ylabel("Number of tx")
            # cf.
            lines_1, labels_1 = self.chart.axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
            lines_2, labels_2 = self.ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
            lines = lines_1 + lines_2
            labels = labels_1 + labels_2
            self.chart.axes.legend(lines, labels, loc=0)
            xmin = np.amin(times)
            xmax = np.amax(times)
            offset = self.offset * (xmax - xmin)
            self.chart.axes.set_xlim([xmax+offset, xmin-offset])
  • Which gives me the result:

  • ⇒ There isn't much data to display here for the moment, so this still feels a bit noisy, but I think it should get better when I have few days of history data to display instead, so let's just keep it this way fro the moment ✌.
  • Actually, in all the steps above we only used some basic JSONRPC block/transaction retrieval: so this should in theory work the same for other EVM compatible blockchains ?
  • ⇒ Let's try to implement this for Ethereum:
  • Here is the simple EthereumChain class I create as a starting point:
    """ETH blockchain."""
    import logging
    from nvp.nvp_context import NVPContext
    from nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain import EVMBlockchain
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    def create_component(ctx: NVPContext):
        """Create an instance of the component"""
        return EthereumChain(ctx)
    class EthereumChain(EVMBlockchain):
        """EthereumChain component class"""
        def __init__(self, ctx):
            """blockchain constructor"""
            cfg = ctx.get_config()['blockchains']['eth']
            EVMBlockchain.__init__(self, ctx, cfg)
        def get_contract_abi_url(self, address):
            """Retrieve the ABI URL for a given contract"""
            api_key = self.config.get("etherscan_api_key", None)
            url = f"{address}"
            if api_key is not None:
                url = f"{url}&apikey={api_key}"
            return url, 1.0/5 if api_key is not None else 5.0
        def process_command(self, cmd):
            """Check if this component can process the given command"""
            if cmd == 'collect-gas-price':
                return True
            return False
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Create the context:
        context = NVPContext()
        # Add our component:
        comp = context.register_component("eth_chain", EthereumChain(context))
        context.define_subparsers("main", {
            'collect-gas-price': None,
  • Then we add a simple script to use it:
        "eth": {
          "custom_python_env": "bsc_env",
          "cmd": "${PYTHON} ${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/nvh/crypto/eth/",
          "python_path": ["${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}", "${NVP_ROOT_DIR}"]
  • And this works pretty damn well already:
    $ nvp eth collect-gas-price
    2022/05/23 22:29:06 [nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain] INFO: Block 14831913: num_tx=21, mode=13.580, mean=16.079, dev=4.162
  • ⇒ So also adding that in my 1min operation script:
    nvp eth collect-gas-price 2>&1 | tee -a $lfile
  • Remember the system I built in my previous article to receive automatic notifications in case there is an exception in one of the scripts I run with cron ? Well, I got a few of those notifications over night about the ethereum gas price retrieval 😅:

  • Let's see what this is about… Ohhh okay, that's interesting: I found at least the following type of error in the logs:
  • Error 1:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/eth/", line 55, in <module>
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervProj/nvp/", line 69, in run
        res = self.process_command(cmd)
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/eth/", line 38, in process_command
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/blockchain/", line 261, in collect_gas_price_statistics
        data = self.get_gas_price_statistics()
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/blockchain/", line 253, in get_gas_price_statistics
        data['mode'] = statistics.mode(gprices)
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervProj/.pyenvs/bsc_env/lib/python3.10/", line 583, in mode
        raise StatisticsError('no mode for empty data') from None
    statistics.StatisticsError: no mode for empty data
  • Error 2:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/eth/", line 55, in <module>
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervProj/nvp/", line 69, in run
        res = self.process_command(cmd)
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/eth/", line 38, in process_command
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/blockchain/", line 261, in collect_gas_price_statistics
        data = self.get_gas_price_statistics()
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervHome/nvh/crypto/blockchain/", line 255, in get_gas_price_statistics
        data['std_dev'] = statistics.stdev(gprices)
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervProj/.pyenvs/bsc_env/lib/python3.10/", line 828, in stdev
        var = variance(data, xbar)
      File "/mnt/data1/dev/projects/NervProj/.pyenvs/bsc_env/lib/python3.10/", line 767, in variance
        raise StatisticsError('variance requires at least two data points')
    statistics.StatisticsError: variance requires at least two data points
  • So typically, I think these may happen if we have respectively 0 or 1 transaction only in a given block which is of course totally legit, so let's fix that.
  • OK here is the updated code which should take care of those problems:
        def get_gas_price_statistics(self, bnum=None):
            """"Method used to retrieve the gas price statistics from a given block"""
            data = self.get_gas_prices(bnum)
            gprices = data['prices']
            num = len(gprices)
            data['num_transactions'] = num
            data['mode'] = statistics.mode(gprices) if num > 0 else math.nan
            data['mean'] = statistics.mean(gprices) if num > 0 else math.nan
            data['std_dev'] = statistics.stdev(gprices) if num > 1 else math.nan
            return data
        def collect_gas_price_statistics(self):
            """Collect the latest gas price statistics"""
            data = self.get_gas_price_statistics()
            del data['prices']
            # Note: we only store the block price data if there are at least 2 transactions:
            if data['num_transactions'] < 2:
      "Ignoring block %d: not enough transactions.", data['block_number'])
  "Block %d: num_tx=%d, mode=%.3f, mean=%.3f, dev=%.3f",
                        data['block_number'], data['num_transactions'], data['mode'],
                        data['mean'], data['std_dev'])
  • Side note: I also get some warning message on the ethereum blockchain, because checking every minute, there is sometimes no new block on the chain, so I get this kind of message (but this is not critical and already handled properly internally, so I'm leaving this as is):
    [nvh.crypto.blockchain.chain_db] WARNING: Gas price entry already provided for block 14834104
  • While I'm at it, I think I should also try to use a dedicated channel to report those exceptions/errors on rochetchat: otherwise this is quickly filling my “general admin” channel which I would prefer to keep clean instead. So let's change that.
    • Created the problem-reports channel: OK
    • Updated the runner code to notify in that channel:
                  self.execute(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env)
              except subprocess.SubprocessError:
                  notify = self.config.get("notify_script_errors", True)
                  if notify:
                      # And exception occured in the sub process, so we should send a notification:
                      msg = ":warning: **WARNING:** an exception occured in the following command:\n"
                      msg += f"{cmd}\n"
                      msg += f"cwd={cwd}\n\n"
                      msg += "=> Check the logs for details."
                      rchat = self.get_component("rchat")
                      rchat.send_message(msg, channel="problem-reports")
    • And also extended the rochetchat command line to support testing the channel:
      if __name__ == "__main__":
          # Create the context:
          context = NVPContext()
          # Add our component:
          comp = context.register_component("rchat", RocketChat(context))
          context.define_subparsers("main", {
              'send': None,
          psr = context.get_parser('main.send')
          psr.add_argument("message", type=str,
                           help="Simple message that we should send")
          psr.add_argument("-c", "--channel", dest="channel", type=str,
                           help="Channel where to send the message.")

  • And this simple command below works so we are good for now:
    $ nvp rchat "hello manu" -c problem-reports
  • In the implementation above I introduced 2 new databases on my postgresql server: bsc_chain for the BSC and eth_chain for Ethereum (to store tha gas prices only for the moment, but this will be extended soon)
  • ⇒ So let's not forget to setup the corresponding backups for these!
  • Which is super easy to add in my custom NervProj config file:
          // Backup of individual SQL databases:
          "postgresql_crypto_databases": {
            "type": "postgresql",
            "container": "postgresql_server",
            "user": "crypto_user",
            "databases": [
            "backup_dirs": [
  • And finally, let's also add a dedicated tab in CryptoView to report Ethereum specific informations (only the gas price for now, but I expect to be able to extend that soon ;-))
  • ⇒ For this I simply convert my previous BSCPanel into a more generic EVMChainPanel taking the chain component name as input:
    """EVMChainPanel widget module"""
    import logging
    from PyQt5 import QtCore
    from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
    import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qwd
    import numpy as np
    from nvp.nvp_context import NVPContext
    import nvh.crypto.utils as utl
    from nvh.gui.app_base import AppBase
    from nvh.gui.plot_canvas import PlotCanvas
    from nvh.crypto.blockchain.evm_blockchain import EVMBlockchain
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    class EVMChainPanel(qwd.QWidget):
        """EVMChainPanel class"""
        def __init__(self, comp_name):
            """Constructor of the EVMChainPanel class
            using the comp_name to retrieve the desired chain component"""
            # Create a CoinGecko() instance:
            ctx = NVPContext.get()
   AppBase = ctx.get_component("app")
            self.chain: EVMBlockchain = ctx.get_component(comp_name)
            # chart display offset:
            self.offset = 0.04
            setattr(self, "sizeHint", lambda: QtCore.QSize(360, 300))
            self.timer = QtCore.QTimer()
        def build_panel(self):
            """Build the panel for this widget"""
            lyt = qwd.QVBoxLayout()
            lyt.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5)
            self.chart = PlotCanvas(self, width=2, height=2, dpi=100)
            self.toolbar = self.chart.create_toolbar(self)
            self.ax2 = self.chart.axes.twinx()
        def update_gas_price_chart(self):
            """Update the gas price chart"""
  "Updating gas price chart.")
            # Collect the available entries:
            # Get at max 7 days of data:
            period = 20
            data = self.chain.get_db().get_gas_price_stats(max_num=7*24*60+period)
            self.chain.check(data.shape[1] == 6, "Invalid number of gas price columns: %d", data.shape[1])
            # we got 'blcok_number', 'timestamp', 'num_txs', 'mode', 'mean', 'std_dev' values:
            now_ts = self.chain.get_timestamp()
            times = now_ts - data[:, 1]
            # convert times to hours:
            times /= 3600
            mean = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 4], period)
            #"Mean values: %s", mean)
            mode = data[:, 3]
            # txn = data[:, 2]
            txn = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 2], period)
            # dev = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 5], period)
            # mean_up = mean + dev
            sname = self.chain.get_short_name().upper()
            self.chart.set_title(f"{sname} Gas Price")
            self.chart.axes.plot(times, mode, color='orange', linewidth=1, label="Mode price")
            self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean, color='blue', linewidth=1, label="Mean price")
            # self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean_up, linewidth=1, label="Mean + 1sig")
            self.ax2.plot(times, txn, color='red', linewidth=1, label="Num. tx")
            # self.ax2.plot(times, txn2, color='black', linewidth=1, label="Num. tx EMA")
            # self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean_up, color='red', linewidth=1, label="Mean + 1sig")
            self.chart.axes.set_xlabel("Time offset (hours)")
            self.chart.axes.set_ylabel("Gas price (Gwei)")
            self.ax2.set_ylabel("Number of tx")
            # cf.
            lines_1, labels_1 = self.chart.axes.get_legend_handles_labels()
            lines_2, labels_2 = self.ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
            lines = lines_1 + lines_2
            labels = labels_1 + labels_2
            self.chart.axes.legend(lines, labels, loc=0)
            xmin = np.amin(times)
            xmax = np.amax(times)
            offset = self.offset * (xmax - xmin)
            self.chart.axes.set_xlim([xmax+offset, xmin-offset])
  • Then I create a couple of those panels on my main window:
            dock3 = DockWidget("BSC")
            panel = EVMChainPanel("bsc_chain")
            self.widgets["bsc_panel"] = panel
            self.widgets["bsc_panel_dock"] = dock3
            dock4 = DockWidget("Ethereum")
            panel = EVMChainPanel("eth_chain")
            self.widgets["eth_panel"] = panel
            self.widgets["eth_panel_dock"] = dock4
            win.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock1)
            win.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock2)
            win.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock3)
            win.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock4)
            win.tabifyDockWidget(dock1, dock2)
            win.tabifyDockWidget(dock1, dock3)
            win.tabifyDockWidget(dock1, dock4)
  • And this does the trick 👍!:

  • Except that… it's a pretty dirty graph here lol ⇒ I think this is mainly because the mode price value is changing significantly on Ethereum (as opposed to on the BSC): So I should maybe applied some EMA filtering to that one also:
        def update_gas_price_chart(self):
            """Update the gas price chart"""
  "Updating gas price chart.")
            # Collect the available entries:
            # Get at max 7 days of data:
            period = 20
            data = self.chain.get_db().get_gas_price_stats(max_num=7*24*60+period)
            self.chain.check(data.shape[1] == 6, "Invalid number of gas price columns: %d", data.shape[1])
            # we got 'blcok_number', 'timestamp', 'num_txs', 'mode', 'mean', 'std_dev' values:
            now_ts = self.chain.get_timestamp()
            times = now_ts - data[:, 1]
            # convert times to hours:
            times /= 3600
            mean = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 4], period)
            #"Mean values: %s", mean)
            mode = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 3], period)
            # txn = data[:, 2]
            txn = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 2], period)
            # dev = utl.compute_ema(data[:, 5], period)
            # mean_up = mean + dev
            sname = self.chain.get_short_name().upper()
            self.chart.set_title(f"{sname} Gas Price")
            self.chart.axes.plot(times, mode, color='orange', linewidth=2, label="Mode price")
            self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean, color='blue', linewidth=1, label="Mean price")
            # self.chart.axes.plot(times, mean_up, linewidth=1, label="Mean + 1sig")
            self.ax2.plot(times, txn, color='red', linewidth=1, label="Num. tx")
  • Note: I also bumped the mode price linewitdh to 2 pixels to try to make it more visible:

  • That's a bit better already, but I feel I should maybe not put the plots of the transactions just mixed with the prices: this is getting confusing, so let's try to separate them:
            self.chart.axes.legend(lines, labels, loc=2)
            xmin = np.amin(times)
            xmax = np.amax(times)
            offset = self.offset * (xmax - xmin)
            self.chart.axes.set_xlim([xmax+offset, xmin-offset])
            # update the vertical ranges:
            txn_min = np.nanmin(txn)
            txn_max = np.nanmax(txn)
            txn_range = txn_max - txn_min
            price_min = min(np.nanmin(mean), np.nanmin(mode))
            price_max = max(np.nanmax(mean), np.nanmax(mode))
            price_range = price_max - price_min
  • And with that change the display feels much better already (from my perspective at least):

  • And here the updated display for the BSC gas prices/transactions:

  • Okay, so, with the experiments conducted here we see that it is fairly easy to manually collect gas prices for a given EVM blockchain, and from that, to generate your own “gas price oracle”.
  • ⇒ Eventually I could extend that to more EVM blockchains that I'm interested in, but for the moment, let's say this will be good enough and stop this long article here ;-)! See ya!
  • blog/2022/0524_crypto_gas_price_stats.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/05/24 07:40
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