Continuing on Elevation Producer implementation

Hello Manu & Co. How are you today guys ?! On my side, well, it's a bit cold, but not that much, and it's the week-end yeepeee! Let's try to enjoy that, and write some cool code! :-)

… Oh my… I have a bad feeling for this project lol… I'm starting to feel more and more that I want to move to a webgpu implementation instead of my current webgl2 version, and I know me: this means it's just a matter of time because I switch to that path now :-D my my my… so much to re-do again… Come on Manu try to focus a bit more webgpu is too new, and it's not well supported yet: it's a better idea to get something working with webgl2 first [if possible] so keep working on that man!
From what I see, the test7_terrainNode I created was basically based on the core/examples/helloworld code, using a simple terrain shader.

So now I can instanciate with something like (this will simplify my life a little 👍! ):

let tp = new TextureParameters({min: "LINEAR", mag:"LINEAR"})

The ElevationProducer class actually contains a pretty large void ElevationProducer::init(ptr<ResourceManager> manager, Resource *r, const string &name, ptr<ResourceDescriptor> desc, const TiXmlElement *e) method, we are only covering a small part of it in this first usage.
Arrf, noticed just after that this workaround on the renderbuffer name I mentioned is already used for the layer texture in fact :-)