Table of Contents

NervLand Task list

DevLog 11 and previous

DevLog 12

DevLog 13

DevLog 14

DevLog 15

DevLog 16

DevLog 17

✅ Build minimal sample with Qt and emscripten

✅ Adding a menu bar and a status bar to our empty window

✅ Preparing to extend CryptoView app

✅ Investigate and fix shared-memory issue

✅ Investigate how to serve webapps from simple python server

✅ Adding support to load png icons in emscripten

✅ Adding display of console panel

✅ Send request on app start to get bitcoin price

DevLog 18

✅ Build dawn library

✅ Rebuild a sample from dawn in NervLand

✅ Start rebuilding WGPU native samples

DevLog 19

⚙️ Adding more WGPU native samples

DevLog 20

⚙️ Adding more WGPU native samples

DevLog 21

⚙️ Adding more WGPU native samples

DevLog 22

✅ Adding more WGPU native samples