Table of Contents

NervLand: Refreshing memory

Hey hey, since a moment now I've been thinking I should really start building some kind of virtual 3D environemnt “to do stuff”. Note that I'm not calling this a “game” because I would not want to create yet another game people could play for a moment before they move to something else. No, I would like to bring something new on the table, something everyone will want to use for a verrryyy long time. lol.

So today, we will just start with refreshing a bit my memory on where I was previously with my NervLand project and check if there is an appropriate path to start playing with vulkan in a not so distant future. Ohh and by the way, UnityEngine or UnrealEngine are out of the question here: I want to understand and control every step of what I'm going to buid, so these will not work for me in this project.

Initial module setup in NervLand project

Adding a command to init cmake project

Side note 1: error collecting CELO blocks

Side note 2: Handler in BlockchainManager class

Adding support to add modules in cmake project

Side note 3: CELO blockchain still messed up

Adding support for clang-format

There is also the WindowsManifest project which is using the LibXml2::LibXml2 library but I dont expect that one to be built on linux, so no need to patch it.

Back to clang-format configuration

Adding support for clang-tidy

An interesting list of checks categories is available at:

PCH setup for clang compiler

When generating a PCH this way, we don't even need to include the precomp header file in our sources anymore as it will be added automatically for us on compilation.

Adding support to create header file

Adding support to create class

Adding some initial content in nvCore

Adding support for win/linux command in script
