Table of Contents

Cryptoview: Restoring coins overview

Okay, so, I desperately need to restore my cryptoview project now. This was formerly based on wxPython and I would really like to translate this into pyqt5 in the process. I just hope this wont take me too long…

Preparing application skeleton

Retrieving the monitored coins

Initial support for multithreading

To be able to access the “qtasks” component, I of course had to register it as a dynamic component as described in a previous article 😉

Create local price database

Updating coin prices

⇒ So this is starting to look like something 👍😎!

Adding support to select quote token

The list of symbols retrieved above will also contains 'BTC' and 'ETH', but not 'USD': but that's not a big deal.

Adding support for period selection

Adding support for coin sorting
