Table of Contents

Fast Noise generation in python with FastNoise2

So, today, we will start a somewhat larger project, to try to provide some efficient/fast noise generation support in python using the FastNoise2 library. I know we already have bindings available for the previous version FastNoiseSIMD, but still I want to try building the required elements myself for once and see how far I can go with this 😊

So, let's rock it baby!

Target GUI implementation

⇒ Ideally I would like to be able to build a GUI like what we have on this page using those new bindings and pyQT5 👍!

First step: Building the FastNoise2 C++ library

Second step: Adding pythin bindings support in boost libraries

Deploying my own C++ projects

Thinking more about it I eventually decided to switch the name from “blueprint” to “module” to handle this concept here. So the BlueprintManager I describe above was eventually replaced with a ModuleManager, and the config entries were updated accordingly of course.

Setting up the context to install our modules

Adding some initial meat to the pyfn2 binding module

First working version

Those files above are available as part of the NervProj github project if anyone needs a direct access to that code.


Those FastNoise2 python bindings are not complete yet, but I think this is good enough for me to try to use them in another python project where I need to generate some dummy inputs, and this was my main interest here. So I'll leave it at this point for the moment and come back to it if I have the time later 😉!

Note: concerning the initial target of “building a GUI” to generate noise maps, I'm still somewhat interested in that, but again, that's not my absolute priority here, and I'm a bit in an hurry for the moment unfortunately, so i'll see later if I get a chance to do it (if it can really help me in day to day my work)