====== Competitive Strategy ====== * Source: https://www.coursera.org/learn/competitivestrategy/outline?module=WeFmF * From **Université Louis-et-Maximilien de Munich (LMU)**, by **Tobias Kretschmer** ===== Take care of your competitors ===== ==== Simultaneous Games ==== * A strategy is a player's plan of actions in a "game". * Important parts of a game are: **players, actions, payoffs, and rules**. * You can usually rely on the other players having a **dominant strategy**. * **Dominated strategy**: a strategy that never does better that a given other strategy (eg. the dominant one). * When we have a game matrix then the idea is to eliminate the dominated strategies. * **Nash equilibrium** = a combination of strategies such as no player can deviate unilaterally from his current strategy to improve his payoffs. * We can have a **Nash Equilibrium** without every player having a dominant strategy. * Prisoner's Dilemma : when nash equilibrium is not the best option the players could get if they were working together. ==== Sequential Games ==== * Sequential games == Dynamic games (eg. games with a time aspect). * We draw **game trees** in that case. * First decision start the game * Then for each decision, the other player can take its own decision. * **backward induction** : simplification of sequential game. * eliminating options that do not maximize profit.