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In this article, we resume our work on the proland integration, focusing on getting a first tile producer to work on top of our TerrainNode (ie. the Elevation Producer). This was definitely a critical stage, and this took a significant effort to get the first version working. And unfortunately, towards the end of the article I stopped taking notes on what I was doing since I was really burning my head on really tricky stuff. But anyway, we will resume this in the next devlog session ;-).


Hi everyone! Having a short break from ProLand this time: here we will rather get back to our PBR investigations and try to display the DamagegHelmet “standard GLTF” model in NervLand. As usual, we will hit some road blocks, but that never stopped us before, right 😉? So let's get to it and see how this goes!


Hi! In this article, I'm mostly focusing on the ElevationProducer from ProLand: trying to understand how it works and how I should implement it in my own engine (replacing OpenGL with WebGPU in the process). Overall not an easy task to do, but I'm making some progress at least.

The structure of the article is actually a bit fuzzy, with ideas going in multiple directions, and unfortunately, this work is still not completed, since I eventually decided I should try and move to a compute pipeline implementation to perform the actual tile generation. So we end up preparing support for the ComputePass and ComputeNode classes, and will continue on this journey in our next episode ;-).


In this new devlog session I'm mainly focusing on introduction some of the base elements required to integrate/refactor the Inria ProLand project into NervLand: a pretty tricky task so this will definitely take some good time, but we have to start soemwhere, right ?

In this process we will also cover some additional steps, like some improvements on the Scene Management system, introduction of the TaskGraph and Multithread scheduler subsystem, extensions on the LogManager to support multithreading with appropriate performances, and we will also review how to extract some frustum planes from an (almost) arbitrary transformation matrix! Let's get started 😎.


Hello my friends! In this new episode, we continue with our experiments on PBR: now that we have introduced support for IBL in our workflow, the next step will be to load the metallic/roughness data from textures. And in this process we will also use a few additional textures for the Albedo, Normals and Ambient Occlusion maps: all these together should result in a pretty advanced rendering result, so I'm really excited to get this example on rails 🤩


In this session we will add “image based lighting” from an hdr environment cubemap to the PBR equation, using the surrounding environment as the light source. This should add an even more realistic look the scene as the light contribution used by the materials is now controlled by the environment. In the process, we will also need to generate the BRDF 2D-LUT and irradiance and filtered cube maps from the environment map. Let's get started!


Hey hey my dear friend! Welcome back for another episode on our NervLand world 😊! Last time, we introduced support for development GUIs with IMGUI in our engine, and now we are going to put that to use in this session while experimenting with physically based rendering implementation 👍! From what I read so far, writing a very minimal version of PBR should actually be no big deal: it's just a few custom shader functions in the end 🤔, So hopefully, not too much trouble ahead of us here ? Well, in theory at least… Let's see how this goes now!


Hello hello! In our previous devlog article we introduced some “additional features” on the text rendering system I'm building in NervLand. One of the main interest when introducing such support for text rendering, if of course to get ready to builf some user interfaces, and eventually, I think I will get to this. But for this new episode, I'm rather going to try to take a shortcut for once, and figure out how to integrate IMGUI in our engine 😎!

From what I've read already, imgui should provide us with “backends” for both SDL2 and webgpu, which are exactly what we need, so, what go wrong really ?? 🤣🤣🤣


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