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In this short article, we will discuss how to add support an NervLand (or any other Dawn based WebGPU engine) to handle timestamp queries


In my recent work on implementing the DeepWater Ocean model from Proland, I encountered various challenges and made significant progress. Initially, I created a basic DeepWaterModel class and implemented support for generating specific spectra. As I delved deeper, I faced errors related to texture usage and format compatibility.

Despite some setbacks, I debugged my initial implementation, improving code efficiency and fixing errors. I also experimented with building dependencies like glew and glut from sources to enhance the project. Along the way, I recompiled demo apps and investigated issues with FFT computation and mipmap generation.


In this post I provide a simple update I made on the equirectangular projection shader for usage in my NervLand engine. Check the youtube video for more details 😎!


End of last year I completed the initial port of the Precomputed Atmospheric Scattering algorithm in my WebGPU engine. But considering the complexity of this algorithm, before I even try to use it in a scene I feel I should really build some robust unit tests to validated all the computation steps. So this will be our goal here.


2024/01/18 20:21 · 0 Comments

Lately, I've been trying to improve a bit on the quality of the videos I'm adding on my youtube channel. As part of this process I'm now using filmora to edit the video rushes, and adding a circular mask and border on my webcam view. Yet, this process is very tedious and time consumming. So the idea I have here is to try to automate this using tools such as moviepy and opencv for instance. Not sure yet the results will be correct, but I should try it anyway.


2024/01/05 16:04 · 0 Comments

In this article, we resume our work on the proland integration, focusing on getting a first tile producer to work on top of our TerrainNode (ie. the Elevation Producer). This was definitely a critical stage, and this took a significant effort to get the first version working. And unfortunately, towards the end of the article I stopped taking notes on what I was doing since I was really burning my head on really tricky stuff. But anyway, we will resume this in the next devlog session ;-).


Hi everyone! Having a short break from ProLand this time: here we will rather get back to our PBR investigations and try to display the DamagegHelmet “standard GLTF” model in NervLand. As usual, we will hit some road blocks, but that never stopped us before, right 😉? So let's get to it and see how this goes!


Hi! In this article, I'm mostly focusing on the ElevationProducer from ProLand: trying to understand how it works and how I should implement it in my own engine (replacing OpenGL with WebGPU in the process). Overall not an easy task to do, but I'm making some progress at least.

The structure of the article is actually a bit fuzzy, with ideas going in multiple directions, and unfortunately, this work is still not completed, since I eventually decided I should try and move to a compute pipeline implementation to perform the actual tile generation. So we end up preparing support for the ComputePass and ComputeNode classes, and will continue on this journey in our next episode ;-).


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